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ImJustBayuum said:
There are plenty of quality core games available for the 360 for 2011. Whether its First or Third party. The only legit point from the sony camp is that the PS3 have more choices in terms of games to choose from, albeit not that many. They act like MS's few but big exclusive games + 3rd party games are not capable of catering or satisfy MS's core userbase.

IMO most PS3 owners (judging from the sales of their 2011 exclusives released already) will only buy 1 or 2 exclusives from the long list they tout in internet forums.

Sorry bro, but Forza and the Halo anniversary edition are the only first party titles. If I was Microsoft I would've made bungie create the levels from Halo as DLC to add to Reach, but as I see now Microsoft is going to start shoving Halo down everyones throats now that they are running out of games. Gears is on its last run and in my opinion that is the 360's best franchise outside of Mass Effect which Microsoft stupidly lost exclusivity to because they didnt purchase Bioware. As for Microsoft and Sony when it comes to variety, that is a loss battle for Microsoft, however Microsoft has the peripheral in Kinect which is their ace. It can cover up all of the 360's overall flaws and keep Microsoft in the game. The question is how long will Kinect fend off the gaining Sonys flurry of core titles coming between now and 2012? Ok we've got the third consecutive year of Halo in 2012 (check). What else is there? Microsoft has something to prove next year, because outside of Kinect their offerings are starting to resemble the original Xbox.