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d21lewis said:
I shouldn't admit this, considering the game gets so much hate on the internet but......I cried during Metroid: Other M. It wasn't even about the game or anything, either. I played Super Metroid back in 1994 and it was a great game. More recently, I played Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission so I don't know why it didn't happen with those games. Anyway, I was trying to figure out a particular puzzle that had taken me a long time to work out. I solved that puzzle (it wasn't even that complicated, now that I think about it) and suddenly, I felt like a kid again. I don't know when the last time I felt like that was.

I felt like I was back at my mom's house, my grandma was still alive, and all sorts of old emotions that have long sense faded were triggered by a video game puzzle. I cried so hard that I had to turn the console off. Hell, I'm actually getting a little misty eyed while typing this post. It's crazy. Maybe I have some sort of psychological disorder or something. I'm afraid that if I go to a psychiatrist, I'll find out that I was molested by a metroid or something.

A tear is running down my right cheek this very moment!! I don't know why!

Awwwwwwwwww! I kinda do the same thing whenever I hear "Within the Giant" from FF4. It was the first Final Fantasy I played, and it was such an epiphany for me that I took over my grandparents' TV 24/7 for a few days until I beat it. The song was so powerful, I remember just putting down the controller and pacing around the room and taking in how far I'd come. Just hearing it today takes me back to '92 when I didn't have a care in the world, except for having to walk to school uphill both ways through a blizzard.

As for actual games, there are a few that come to mind:





1. Lost Odyssey - Twice, actually: the scene with Lirum that gets everyone, but watching Jansen grow from a chickenhearted fop into a real man spoke to me even more. I should try that sometime!


3. Heavy Rain - When Jason gets his stupid ass run over. Laughed 'til I cried.