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Anyone else feeling disturbed by how personally citizens of foreign countries take our domestic politics. They are our politicians we are electing them to represent us as much as you elect your politicians to represent you. Honestly I would love for our foreign policy to return to its roots of a hundred years ago. Back to the Monroe doctrine take care of the Americas, and let the rest of the world deal with itself. That was a sound philosophy.

Unfortunately and the original posters statements only lend credence to it. We have become the force that binds the global community together. We are the ones expected to intervene in conflicts. To commit military forces, and to bring political pressure to bare on all fronts. Hardly an easy feet. Unfortunately if the United States takes a hands off approach we have seen the results. They are called World War, Genocide, Ethnic cleansing, and Totalitarian regimes.

So the United States sits in a position where it gets railed against for not doing what certain groups want, and then when the United States does nothing those same groups rail against the United States for not doing their part. Let me give you an example. After the tsunami a few years back nations in the region actually complained that the United States did not send enough aid, and further more tried to sue the United States among others for not providing tsunami warnings. Even though these nations did not contribute to the tsunami early warning system one cent.

Think about it the United States was guilty of not giving the amount of charity many of these nations wanted. Even worse the United States spent money to protect its citizens from tsunamis which many of these countries couldn't be bothered to share any of the burden for, but they wanted the protection.

Generally I think American citizens are just getting tired of this nonsense, and like a face slapped one time too often. Frankly we are just getting sick of all the crying and belly aching. Your problem might seem big to you, but our foreign policy has to spin a hundred other plates besides your own. Do you really need the United States to do everything for you?

I wonder if they realize that perhaps the United States is the only reason Israel isn't carpet bombing Palestinian villages. Seriously if this kind of thing went on in any other country the citizens wouldn't stand for it they would demand their government flatten the offenders. You do realize Israel has the bomb, and they have had it for some time. They are not going anywhere ever. So it is simple self interest to come to some compromise.