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Demon Souls/Dark Souls-the sleeper hit that got alot of praise, if handled rightly this could become the next big RPG franchise

Heavenly Sword- I'm not sure on this but rumor had it that Heavenly Sword was in the hands of Santa Monica, if true they might be able to turn this into another God of War like franchise(though I think this was mostly an E3 rumor)

Castlvania Lord of Shadows, with a sequel already in the works I really want this to become huge as the first one was so underrated; reviewers called it a god of war clone(or atleast compared it to God of War) and just moved on

MNR(Mod Nation Racers) Sony needs to make this game a little more simplistic and make the battle weapons more even and hopefully it will pull numbers like LBP

InFamous- though it's all ready somewhat of an established franchise, i want it to become bigger(it can end with just two)

Ar Tonelico- this series never gets the praise it deserve, specifically do to the fact that NIS(A) gives so much(like art books, CDs, free DLC) towards just buying the game and it never get the credit its due.

Foklore- this game was probably the best game on the PS3 for like the first year and a half it was out,  I found it shocking that it got  such low nembers. Sony needs to make it a series

Valkria Chronicles- just tell SEGA to GET THEIR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASSES!!! and bring the series back on the PS3

Darksiders: Really enjoyed the first one and with a sequel already in the works with a nice piece in gameinformer, it could become a very well selling franchise