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No where in the article does it say Nintendo bought the patent. However the patent has not been copied by Nintendo. If you look at the two patents you will see some obvious differences, one of them deals with the way the light sensor works, the Wii uses IR and two LED's, this system uses light from Pixels on the TV (Two different technologies). The other patent which I'm too tired to look up is even easier to dismiss from court if it ever wound up there. Hence the reason the guy will not sue. He would lose in court and it would be very costly to pursue.

Ok I just watched the fox report.  They even state in the video that the guy has no rights and that his patents are no where near what the Wii's tech is.  Basically they invented 2 different ways to do some similar things.  He is putting the video out there to try and get recognition for something he DID NOT INVENT. The patents are owned by Midway as he was an employee at Midway at the time and developed the technology on the company dime.  He signed away his rights to Midway when he left the company.  Nintendo did not purchase the tech from Midway, they built completely different technology to use in the Wii.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.