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OMG! How can people say atonement looks boring. just atakr a look at the treiler and you will fall in love with its beaty and you will want to know what the secret is. atonement has probably one of the best trailers ever and you are also able to listen to the incredible score. its so sad that people like you is what i called the average movie goer that pays to wacth bad movies. yet when a really good movie like atonement is done only smart people see it because u dont get movies like this very often. atonement was made for a movie for people to experience luckily enough it was so good that critiics praised it and awards are given to it. and the cst are you kidding me. james mcavoy is the new actor that is on the lookout. he is so good in this movie. im not really sure who played briony but her performance deserves an awrd, i mean she made me cry. and knighly was just perfect.

Putting the Box back in Ninlen!