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cooking is usually seen as somewhat of a "female duty" but in my expiriences, cooking has been somewhat of a "chick magnet" capability(well for me), growing up with a family where a majority of them are female, most of my days growing up were spent watching my mom, grandmother, 2 aunts, my sister cooking,(even my grandfather taught me  some cooking lessons) with many years of watching and helping, it seems cooking can pay off. I've baked cupcakes/cakes and other treats for past gf's(one time I even cooked for one of my ex's parents). hell I even cooked for some of my guy friends(to anyone cooking for your guys friends...don't wear a apron when cooking...-_-...or fry bacon shirtless)

cooking is not only for impressing the ladies, but I think it's a somewhat vital skill, I don't think it's good if your just out for food all the time(coming from a fat man lol)

P.S. and no, the microwave doesn't count :p