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Why did Socom 4 Flop? Contrary to what some people might say in this thread, there was actually a decent amount of marketing and advertising for Socom 4.

Here are my thoughts......


-PlayStation Network went down a day after it was released. For single player games, this might not hurt as much, but Socom is primarily known as a multiplayer game.

-They released a Beta only a month before the game came out. TERRIBLE decision. 1) This doesnt give devs enough time to correct any mistakes. 2) It essentially gives players a taste of the retail game for free. At that point in development, there are no excuses for errors in the game since its basically the same as how the retail game is. It was more of a demo than a beta.... and it took WAY too long to download.

-They changed too many Socom essentials and tried to make it a 3rd person CoD.... This didnt sit well with Socom vets and alot of people boycotted the game or publicly trashed it.

-Releasing on the same day as Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat. What were they thinking??? There are so many "dry" weeks in gaming releases, why choose to come out the same day as two blockbusters?

-Devs wasted time on gimmicks like the MOVE controller and generic campaign when they should've been perfecting the online experience. Multiplayer lacked common features like Partying up with friends or joining clans.

-Simply put, the game is not that good and didn't deserve to sell. I own it, and regret it. The campaign isn't good IMO and the multiplayer is aggravating to say the least. Reviews were mediocre and word of mouth has not been good either.