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Unfortunately, you have to wait until it is recognized at the Federal level.  DOMA, the 'Discrimination Of Marriage Act' currently has been declared unconstitutional, but it is still tied up in courts.

It is harmful cause many bi-national couples get separated.  And my one of my friends had to move to Australia because he couldn't bring his husband here. (His husband is really cool by the way.)

The tragedy is when they send one half of the couple back to a place that is super hostel towards gay people.  It can get really bad, they get put in jail and worse for some.

Here is some info about it:

Anyway, Yea for New York, and near the anniversary when Inter Racial Marriage Bans (which, FYI, is banned in the Bible) got thrown out 43 years ago (Loving v. Virginia).

Now when the New York Senate passes it then all the good people of New York can celebrate!  (and poor California, is going to get a big dose of shame again.)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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