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Kantor said:
thx1139 said:

Gears 3 - September 2011
Forza 4 - October 2011
Halo CE Anniversary - November 2011
Halo 4 - 2012
Dance Central 2 - Holiday 2011
Kinect Sports 2 - Holiday 2011
Kinect Star Wars - Holiday 2011 Oh dear god, it's like they made Phantom Menace into a game.
Kinect Disneyland Adventures - November 2011 Like Disneyland, but without the magical feeling and with some very generous motion sensing.
Ryse - 2012 It's a game set in ancient Rome with Kinect. It's too early to hate, but it's not early enough to be very skeptical.
Fable: The Journey - 2012 Open world within the confines of a road.
Minecraft - Winter 2011 Why would you play this on a console?
Rise of Nightmares - Fall 2011
Sesame Street - Fall 2011 Why would you do this, Tim Schafer? Why?
XCOM - 2012

The quality of quite a few of those games is an issue, unfortunately.

There was a lot shown for Kinect, and very little of it was good. I would say only Ghost Recon's weapon customisation and maybe the implementation in Mass Effect 3 were good uses of it.

Don't get me wrong, not everything Sony showed was good, but certainly a larger proportion than what Microsoft showed.

Fable: The Journey is not a rail game. It's open world.

Minecraft, with Kinect controls. Only people I know who have played minecraft seem to be ecstatic about this game. Not my cup of tea either, but it's a nice change of pace.

Ryse - Your point? Only thing that sucks is that Cryteks "core" game is not Kinect. Although, still cool, I wish it were only Kinect assisted.

I dunno about what Sony showed. Everything seemed mediocre. People mock Kinect's library, but I'd rather play Ryse and Dance Central then Sly and Starhawk. Everyone has their preferences though, and the only reason I think 360 was better then Sony was because of Halo 4. They both showed a similar amount of good and great games, but Sony didn't announce any new AAA titles. MS announced Halo 4. Not only is it AAA, it's the main 360 exclusive franchise, and also a 10 million seller. To me, this is as big as a new Gran Turismo game for PS3.

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