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MonstaMack said:
ethomaz said:

inFAMOUS 2 (exclusive, Move support)

LittleBigPlanet 2 (exclusive, more Move support)
Bioshock: Infinite (Move support))
SSX (exclusive PS3-only run down Mt Fuji)


What's wierd is when companies show off games that are already out, or in Sony's case out in a few days (Infamous 2) also I don't considering Move support a big deal as most people wouldn't consider Mass Effect 3's headset screaming exclusivity a big deal.

I also found it funny  that Sony/MS tout anything in terms of exclusive DLC. Really? A exclusive run down Mt Fuji? Oh that settles it, I'll buy a PS3 and SSX for one exclusive map.

Anyways PS3 has a good exclusive line up, I just don't think the Kinect line up should be ignored. To the hardcore the PS3 has a better lineup this fall, but if you throw in the casual audience iMHO the 360 has a better line up and **THATS** what will sell system this holiday. The 360 will be catching up towards the end of the years and It's gonna be another close race.

Mark my words, the only thing that will truly sell for kinect are bundled Kinect Sports 2 and Dance Central 2. Ryse is doomed to fail. Wrong market with the kinect. The Kinects great sales last year didnt stop Sony from gaining on them and Microsoft is quite delusional to create a market called "kinect core" when the kinect has only been out a year. They have no idea what the core will support outside of shooters on the 360.