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*** Good Ending Spoilers ***

I'm thinking for the third game, that lightning bolt at the end means that all of the conduits didn't really die. Perhaps their vital signs were only gone for a brief period. If there is a third game, I think the conflict will be the mess of powerful and destructive conduits running around either by some side effect of the RFI that wasn't expected or-

*** Evil Ending Spoilers ***

Cole's handy work as the beast.

No doubt the better of the two endings for me. I think it can work into my thoughts of the Good ending for the third game. The difference is whether you'll be taking out conduits and going against them to increase your own standing in the world as a feared dictator/leader (evil) or Saving the world from the dangerous conduits out there while working with the good and becoming a respected leader (good).

No spoilers***

I noticed Cole was much more aggressive and stood up for himself a lot more in this game. In the first he was a bit of a lacky, and even admits to feeling like an errand boy at some point if memory serves. It worked well for the good story but made the evil story simple pointless. You basically blue up things easier and you didn't really look evil. Just pale and dirty.

In this game, Evil Cole actually looks--and thanks to a lot of his lines--feels evil. He also has a different posture. A more laid back and less noble one (not sure if you don't see it until he's fully inFamous, though). They may have toughened Cole up a bit too much though, cause it didn't work as well with the Good play through for me.

For me it would rank like this:

inF1 Good Playthrough > inF2 Evil Playthrough > inF2 Good Play through >inF1 Evil Playthrough

I prefer inF1's story because it felt more like a comic book to me while inF2 pushed more to be like a movie.

4 ≈ One