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naznatips said:

I never said to take every thing in here as fact, I just said it was interesting. You are the one who said it was meaningless, implying there was nothing of value in the interview. Nice to see you can change your tune rather quickly though.

By boring I just meant that you weren't adding anything interesting to the discussion, rather than specifically not agreeing with me. I don't really care what your opinion is in relation to mine as long as you can back up your opinion with a logical debate, which you failed to do.

Logically I'm not the one who needs to prove anything.

The logical default for a positive premise is negative. If I jump up and start shouting that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and France are real then I am obligated to prove such. If you want to argue this developer's comments are meaningful, you are obligated to prove why you think they are.

As for backing up my opinion, it's as simple as asking has a developer ever lied to the public (blog, news article, or otherwise)? Does this developer have motivation to lie? If the answer to those is yes or even maybe, it's good enough to at least make the thoughtful reader somewhat wary of the above comments.

And it really is all meaningless until the developer can transform his beliefs into tangible works (games). Talk and praise alone don't make games; it's people acting on their words that create them.

I'm tired of people saying "Yeah, the Wii is doing terrific.  It'd be great to make a game on it."  I want to hear more people saying "Yeah, the Wii is doing terrific.  So much so that we're going to make a game on it."