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Being the devils advocate that I am. I would like to point out a few things. Firstly what gives anyone the impression that Nintendo pioneered force feedback, analog sticks, or motion controls. Hate to break any hearts with this, but these ideas didn't come from Nintendo. Not only did other companies or institutions create them. Many of them were already old hat in gaming. Sega used force feedback in arcade games in the late seventies. The Analog stick seems to have been used by Atari over a decade for the 64 was released. Motion controls please these have been a staple in shopping malls for decades. Beyond all this these ideas didn't just resolve out of the Aether. By and large they came out of Academia, and the Military complex.

Nintendo is by no means a pristine font of gaming originality. They have done plenty of stealing, borrowing, and the ever popular plundering. Which brings me to my second point. This is one hundred percent okay. Good ideas should be used with no negative connotation. Gaming builds on success, and not on uniqueness. I would rather the console manufacturers focus on good designs rather then doing something someone else hasn't done yet.

Speaking to Nintendo software being innovative. That is at best wishful thinking, and at worst total bullshit. Really it is not a matter of opinion either. Ninety percent of the games they are putting out are ninety percent the same, and that simply doesn't qualify as anything other then stagnant. It isn't that franchises are necessarily a horrifically terrible thing. However you must have the conviction to make some real changes, and expand what is being sold. Nintendo games sadly follow very rigid formulas.

Not that Nintendo fans by and large don't adore Nintendo for doing this. That brings me to point three. The fans who boast about how innovative Nintendo is are usually the same people who are least tolerant of change. Talk about a major overhaul to any main Nintendo series. I guarantee you will be heavily attacked. Since no change is exactly what they want. The point being that even a small change seems purely massive to them even when it is not.