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naznatips said:

D: any intrest of making a game on the wii? hahaha

YES! Even though I was less than impressed with my Wii, as well as a lot fo the games I have played, I would love to make a game on this system. I think there is a lot to be done with it.’s like a BILLION times cheaper to make a Wii game versus a 360 or PS3 game...which is good. Making a 40 or 50 million dollar game is cool, I love making big games don’t get me wrong, but you have soooo many more masters with their hands in the creative pot when that kind of money is getting thrown around. Hopefully when the game industry becomes more comfortable with those budget numbers things will get better. I mean, we were just getting used to 20-30 million when the next gen came around and now big games are costing double. I heard MGS4 costs 70 million. Which actually sounds ludicrous to me, but in a way it doesn’t if you factor int he MGS4 and MGS online...and the tons of cinematics and long development could get up to that.

But what do I know?

i like the bolded parts. That's why you are going to see huge 3rd party support on Wii, it's actually very hard for a Wii game to not make a profit with such a big userbase and so low development costs.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"