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twesterm said:
Smoking pot is one of the dumber things you can do with your time.

I had a friend who had everything going for him. He had a cool girlfriend, he had a nearly full ride at SMU, had a lot of good friends, and things were just generally going well for him. Then he had another friend that was just a giant pot head and got him started smoking pot.

He started by saying it wasn't actually bad, it's legal in other places, and every other excuse pot heads tell themselves to make it alright but they really know it's dumb as shit. After that he started losing friends, lost a lot of his scholarships, lost the girlfriend, and had to drop out of school.

Since then he's moved to all other sorts of drugs but pot what is really started it all for him and ruined his life. That's kind of the short story of it but you get the idea.

I'm sorry, but people who smoke pot are just morons. They sit there and tell themselves that they aren't going to do any real drugs or they aren't hurting themselves but lets see them five years down the line. What other drugs have you done? How much money have you wasted? How many friends have you lost? How many opportunities have you lost?

Sorry for the rant but this is one of those sensitive issues. People who smoke pot are just fucking stupid and the people that sit there and tell themselves they're cool because they aren't pot heads are even bigger idiots.

How about fucking free will? How about all of the positive health effects? Helping to relieve stress, sleep, eat, focus, etc.

If people smoke pot constantly and don't do anything, then yeah they're an idiot but you're the idiot for telling people what to do with their lives and acting like it's some awful drug when it's not. Few people use other drugs, waste a ton of money on it and smoke frequently, lose friends and lose opportunities. No body dies from marijuana related causes. Go take a look at stastistcs and shut the fuck up if you think it's more harmful than tobacco or alcohol.

It's unbelievable how judgmental you are. Who are you to tell people what to do with THEIR life? Live your own and move on and shut up.
