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So for years we've seen time and time again people proclaim that Nintendo needs an HD console to compete for the "core" gamer.  Articles a plenty on it, forum posts, you've got people that proclaim to be huge Nintendo fans that cast Nintendo away because they didn't deliver experiences of the other consoles and as soon as Zelda HD is shown they'd buy a Nintendo console... Well it's here... and what do we have... new excuses as to why it will fail...

The new point against the console, it won't appeal to people who already own a PS3 or 360, and core gamers with a Wii already own a PS3 or 360.  

It really saddens me to see groups act like this, moving the goal posts, cherry picking, and the like.  Not even mentioning exclusives, the fact that the console is more powerful, it flat out has to be to produce two different images, but not only that... there is three really big tech demos running in real time with texture resolution (Tokyo Street and Garden, not Zelda) I've only seen on high end PC titles have.  Then no one even talks about what the WiiU really brings to the table which is something you really can't get anywhere else, the new tablet controller and the new interface.  

There's just so many applications it's not even funny.

Hate those squad based games and the retarded AI doesn't follow your commands?  Well use the tablet to give orders, outline the path for them to walk, and where to take cover.

Pokemon snap where you don't have to move the camera on screen anymore just move the controller to look around and *snap* take a picture, need I say more?

Who wouldn't want to see Starcraft II on this thing? 

I could go on but it really seems like people forget how much two screens and a touch pad changed handheld gaming.  People just seem as confused and enraged about something they don't understand much like they didn't understand how the DS could change the handheld scene.  Basically it seems to me Nintendo was in a catch 22 situation to begin with for many of these people, damned if you do (make an HD console), damned if you don't (keep it lower spec), and they'll just completely ignore the higher specs and new tech they bring to the table.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000