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Hey, and welcome.  The Next Generation PS is coming, at earliest, mid 2013. The thing is a Console gets normaly announced almost a Year before it launches, at the WiiU itself isnt out, they just announced it. (Its coming mid-end 2012)

I'd say its worth getting a PS3 late 2011, if you buy it later (after Sept. 18th) you might even be lucky and see a Pricecut of the System, they 'may' announce one on Gamescom (August) or TGS (15-18th sept.), and if not, just get it as planned.

thats of course just my opinion. =)


edit; If you wait until Q3/12, which is more than a Year off, youre also able to check out more of the information to be revealed about the WiiU until then. But be aware that this Console surely wont be nearly as Strong as Microsofts/Sonys Consoles, when they arrive '13/'14.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!