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That's pretty much the original Wii price set:

The Wii U will "likely" cost more than ¥20,000 ($250/£150), Nintendo leader Satoru Iwata has revealed.

His comments were made to The Nikkei Japanese newspaper and reported by Bloomberg.

Price was a key contributor to the success of Wii. The Wii launch price was ¥25,000, $249.99, £179.99.

In related news Nintendo shares fall today due the lack of information about the new system, same thing happened in 2005 after Wii reveal.

Nintendo Co. fell to the lowest in more than five years after the unveiling of its high-definition video-game console prompted some analysts to question the company’s ability to repeat the success of its Wii model.

“There were high expectations from the new version of the Wii and this fell far short,” Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., said by phone today. “People had expected to see something more at a big event like the E3, but there wasn’t really anything more than what’s already reported.”

Nintendo tumbled 5.7 percent to 16,930 yen at the close of trading in Osaka. More than 2.2 million shares changed hands, compared with a six-month daily average of about 720,000.