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I think the touch screen adds a similar functionality for the mass market that the Wiimote had. Since it is packaged with every console, it would sell more consoles overall as well. So Nintendo doesn't seem to have a specific market in mind, nor did they seem to have a specific market  this current/last generation. They always seem to moderately please everybody. Those who like Nintendo games will buy the console regardless, and the appeal of the touch screen controller functionality will sell to the mass market who are interested by such innovation with easy access, opposed to add-ons , which while they may be innovative, won't have the same appeal as a pack-in that has every game built for the controller. I always plan to buy Nintendo consoles because the first party games appeal to me. The games that come on HD consoles that interest me usually come on PC. So the appeal of this console to a gamer who plays more regularly, or "core" gamer are the Nintendo games as well as the third party support it will get for being moderately in the same ball park as the other consoles graphically, or at least to the extent where a new game wouldn't have to be made to port. As for the occasional gamer, the appeal is in the uniqueness of the design and that of the functionality the controller brings. Since they don't play regularly, the size probably won't be an issue, actually it would probably be a convenience.