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EDIT: Crap, this is a replay to that wfz guy about our Vita point of view.

Well for starters, the launch games for Vita look  better than what the 3DS has. The Vita has more features than the 3DS, for the same price. They got 2 cameras, 2 touch screens/pads, two analog sticks and motion sensor, which i will admit, some do seem unnecessary but I'll wait and see. Vita is a much more technically advance machine. To me, it seems like the only thing missing on it is 3D, which hasn't exactly worked for the 3DS and Nintendo. Basically, for the same price, Vita has more to give than the 3DS. I don't think the 3DS is doomed as most people claim but their games are gonna have to be mind blowing if they wanna compete. Then again, the Vita could be terrible as well for all we know, but it's much more promising. And besides, how can you say Uncharted looked hollow, have you seen the 3DS line-up. THAT is hollow...and shitty.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian