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Gears of War 3 and Halo 4 were the best parts of the show. I wish Microsoft wouldn't of wasted so much time on multi platform games (first what 12 mins was all CoD:MW3) and Kinect. We get multiplatform games are also on 360, and they have been for years we don't need reminders unless it is something new.

As for kinect games, some eg. Star Wars - we saw that at E3 last year, it was bad then and its bad now... other games were just as bad, all on rails / mini-game collections / sequels to average launch games. It just isn't enough for E3.

Overall my thoughts are the same as Nintendo's 08 press conference -- these press conferences are for gamers, not casuals. Trying to get casuals excited about a game at a press conference that they probably don't even know exists is just ridiculous and the mainstream media will be focusing on PSVita and Project: Cafe.