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Yeah JB do have great prices,

Here's some poor service, I had Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town pre-ordered from EB for some time a few years ago, it kept being pushed back and back until one day I recieved a phone call saying it was now in "Yes!" I had to walk a very long way to get there in the blazing heat but I knew it would be worth it I had been waiting for so long!

When I got there I went to the counter and told them I recieved the phone call, yup all was well it seemed, until he pulled out Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for GC, I was like.... "err I'm here for the GBA Harvest Moon"

EB: "Oh sorry we stuffed up, that's still not in yet"

I was so pissed off!!!! Out of pure luck and chance I walked past another gaming store on my way home (some random franchise, not any store anyone knows, I knew where it was so I took a detour just in case they somehow had it in) I walked in and to my surprise they had the GBA HM I was after in stock!! I went back to EB cancelled my order got my money back and happily took HM home that day.

Damn EB! I hate them.