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who's everyone? ESPN?

every NBA ANALYST has been against the heat ever since they went up against the celtics..all of them expected the bulls to take miami down.. since they're riding rose's hype.. everyone in the U.S hates miami for.. nothing..  they didn't do anything illegal.. the bulls are cocky and gibson was mentioning bosh's entire family trying to get him to fall apart.. and when dang dunked on lebron.. noah got up and started screaming at lebron's face and laughing..

you think people like that deserve to win anything? Especially with boozer screaming everytime someone gets close to making a shot for the bulls.. him, gibson, and even noah are extreemely offensive towards miami, suprised the bulls didn't get technicals more than they did.. especially with their coach screaming at the refs.. constantly.. after any single play..

and then you have someone say that the refs are on the heat's side.. seriously..noah was attacking lebron last year.. while he was making free throws.. completely going off, that's a loser for you.. and until the bulls mature, they wont get passed the celtics or the heat in the east..

