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daroamer said:
vlad321 said:
daroamer said:

You're trying to debate opinion as if it's fact.  I prefer to use a controller, therefore there is no hamstringing.  No argument I can give will ever convince you since you obviously want more buttons and I couldn't care less.  The game plays great.  So how can my opinion be wrong?  You don't like it, I do.  End of discussion.

I'm not going to sit on my couch and game with a keyboard on my lap or try to make a makeshift table.  Controller works great.  Game is awesome.  I never feel like the controls are holding me back from doing anything.

My only issue is you say the design is shit the UI is shit etc etc.  Everything is shit with you.  I just think you're full of it.  The design is fine, your taste is just different.  The game i getting great reviews and so far most people prefer to play it with the controller.  You're the only person I've seen asking to have a key for every item in his inventory because you like to play in easy mode and pretend you're playing it on "hard".

No it is not an opinion. Let me walk you through it. Are there more keys on a keyboard than on a controller? Does that mean you just have LESS options with a controller, objectively?  Meanwhile what are the objective pros of a controller?

It objectively comes down to the fact that a controller gives you less options and less functionality and does not provide you with anything in return. That is a very basic definition of inferior right there.

P.S. Having a pause in game is extremely scrubbish in an action RPG, but I like your spin there.

Edit: The UI is also objectively shitty. If it take 3 clicks to get to any section of the UI, then there is something wrong with it (or it is designed for an inferior control mechanic, as is the case here). Or the inability to sort the inventory, seriously I had that shit back in the 90s. The UI in general is extremely, painfully consolified (meaning, shoehorned into a controller scheme, not a proper one). THe only thing that makes this a more of a PC game is the difficulty, some of the weak themes, and the ability to have a pretty different playthrough each time. There is almost no pampering for the scrubs.

Pretty much stopped reading right there.  Learn what opinion means.

I don't want to sit on a couch with keyboard on my lap.  Therefore, in my opinion, the keyboard is a much less desireable option, no matter that it's missing 4 freaking hotkeys.

You're also the same person who said this earlier in the thread:

"In fact one of the biggest problems I had with this game is the whole retarded UI where I can only have one sign primed and can't quick switch between them right in combat with keyboard shortcuts."

Of course when I pointed out to you that there are in fact hotkeys for every sign you completely ignored it instead if admitting you were wrong like a man.


So you are someone who does not have the capacity to understand objectivity? Good to know.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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