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Sales Discussion - WW Up.. - View Post

BHR-3 said:

not looking good for sony this next Q should set some things straight if it gets out shipped by MS again thats not going to be good, some things could of been skewed with the last Q shipments things like sony may have not shipped much b/c of a new 3000 series HW, tsunami,  and others over shipping

i believe if they dont sell for $199 at least in the west then there chances at 2nd are gone i doubt a $50 cut will do much for it in the west

wii numbers make me sad   but it had its time and at least it placed 2nd for that week and who knows NPD may and june or next week could show a different story

NPD May will have wii about 220K I say, up by about 40K from last month. Wonder what Vgcharzt will have it at.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d