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360 is actually selling better than expected. Even though I feel the failed to capitalize on the weaknesses of Sony and Nintendo this gen (no sales vs too few supply) they managed to get almost every important Sony game.

The presence of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 5, GTA4 on Microsofts console makes it a lot more viable and can be considered a big blow for the PS3.

Microsoft will lower the price before GTA4, something Sony cannot do. I doubt Sony will be able to lower the price of the PS3 this year due to shareholders that lose a lot of money over the PS3. Sony will never make its 11 million consoles in the 2007 financial year.

Maybe the PS3 will sell a little more then 360 this year, but not nearly enough to close the gap of 8 million. Until then 360 is not in any trouble because the games will come and the console will keep selling. The longer Microsoft maintains its lead over PS3 the better for MS.