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sapphi_snake said:
vlad321 said:

Let me sum up what you want me to show you proof of: That the justice system before somewhere around the 1800s was trash, and that proliferation of information in the MEDIEVAL period was pisspoor. If you really want proof for either one of those two, then you shuold really study some more history.

As for the whole rape part, you sound thoroughly ignorant, I particularly like the whole  " I'd have to get over it" part you went on there. You unequivocally proved your ignorance and idealism with that single thought right there. Go travel some, meet new people, hell maybe even get to know someone who was actually raped, then come back to having this discussion, because as it stands you are heavily out-exprienced in this area. I can guarantee you will think yourself an idiot when you look back at your statements. I know your thought process is idiotic because I had the exact same bullshit in my brain a few years ago myself, and I was a fucking idiot back then.

As to the whole "it won't erase rape," no that can never happen, however a sense of justice can go a long way to assuage the mind. Knowing he is still out there with him being free in some decades when one has been scarred for life is a pretty unfair situation.

The antecedent of the pronoun was unambigious whichever way you try to spin it. The second half follows directly from the first and is unseperable, in fact it is a continuatoin and the focus of the sentence is clearly your justification. You should drop this and admit you made a mistake than to press it further and look like an even larger fool, learn about sunk costs.

FInally, torture was gone for a bit before due process and the concept of rule of law came into practice. Therefore you can't even begin to assume how effective it would be because the entire judicial system is far less flawed than it used to be back when torture was practiced. The entire field is changed, and making a claim that states "it didn't work before" is just laughable because there is countless other variables that have changed besides the punishment. For all you know, maybe the torture was one of the ones that were actually beneficial, and a whole bunch of other variables were cause inefficiencies.

Ah, you're not one to debate with. Conversation over.

Probably for the better.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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