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Older than many trees but younger than the wind.

I would hail and a whole ancient legendary land and one of the few living 'Atarians.'  I am also one of the few still operating that beheld the sacred Super Pong.  Also been on an Oddesy2 journey to the Lord Intellivisate de Mattel, part of the long forgotten history of the first age.

People would seek me out for advice, but never quite know where my allegiance stand.  I would be a part of, and yet separate from the conflicts.  There would be reported appearances, much like bigfoot.  Some people would say I appear as old man with a long white beard and pointy hat with a mysterious aura and nice smell.  Others would say I am a normal looking guy somewhere between 30 and death, friendly, wise, and occasionally very silly.  I would be a feared curiosity of an unknowable age, but there are no reports of harm coming to others from me.

During the coming of the second age I led the battle against the False Profit Adam and his claims of the ‘upgrade me’ to a real computer.  This was followed by a great fire.  The land then cleared the Emperor of Nintenios chose this time to expand.

There are reports that I once lived in Sonaria.  There is a story about how I dismissed the High Chancellor of Sonaria to ‘run along and play’ when he intruded into my secluded tower while I was busy working on stuff.  Citizen of Sonaria trembled and groveled in fear, but as ‘one of the old ones’ the lord of Sonaria knew better than mess with me.

Recent rumors claim I have a cabin in Nintenidos, and lately have been recently seen up to something in the Kinect Kapitol in Microsofia.  Speculation is that I am pushing both to improve their future technology.  ‘Solid State Drive’ is what I am reported to be saying to the King of Microsofia.

I would travel as an ambassador of a long forgotten world trying to bridge peace within the territories.  Children would giggle and run to me hoping I would toss out ‘a free magic month’ of Netflix much like other’s do candy.

Not all is happy, there is a very Dark tale that King Jobes tried to have me exterminated when he returned to power after being bitterly dethroned.  Thus the legend of me being unkillable, but I would deny and say I’m just a mostly ordinary man. (clap of thunder and small earthquake.)

 Greeting Citizens!

(tosses free Magic Netflix subscriptions)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!