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Dolla Dolla said:
Blue3 said:
Um, 3 of those are from Mist whos MS funded. Lost Odyssey lools cool, Infinite looks interesting but i cant stand Blue dragon and Eternal Sonata way to kiddy and reminds me of FF9 blehh!

Actually, only two are from Mistwalker. Eternal Sonata is from NamcoBandai and Infinite Undiscovery is from Tri-Ace.

Eternal Sonata is getting a good deal of buzz from the Japanese demo they released. Looks good.

 blue dragon was packaged for tremendous prices and was also praised big time by the japanese press and gamers.....relative to the 360 it spiked sales well for a couple weeks, but did little to nothing in the grand scheme of things.

At least microsoft isnt giving up, but there really is nothing to salvage in japan for them this generation or maybe ever.