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Sorry if anyone's been lingering for my return, took a long time to post this out since it's my last post for the night and with work tomorrow it could be my last post of the game.

Decision made, in the end curiosity over knowing I picked out scum today got the better of me. I am Bernie Crane. There is no flavor about my name. I'm not going to roleclaim, but there's a good chance that even if I'm lynched it will benefit town.

Every pro-town player(and I wouldn't be surprised if that's all that is left) needs to think very strongly about hammering me.

Another quick glance at people voting me currently:
I'm sticking with Wildvine being scum currently voting for me and Vette as another.
I don't believe Heph to be scum anymore, and I'm slightly town with prof.
It'd be hilarious if TOS is scum AGAIN but I'm skeptical about Wildvine making a link with the votes like that.
I'm neutral on GOW, but if the mafia team is 3-strong as I suspect and they are all on me then I'd peg him as the third member.

People not on me:
I hope FF isn't scum as he's been the most reasonable person(with a vote) about me. Could just be distancing himself from what's seemed like a sure mislynch from pretty early on though.
ST's been outright defending me and that worries me. If I look at the day as a whole though he's my strongest town read.
I have a town read on Stefl too, and I hope the activity remains up for all days and games in the future.
NotStan I still think is scum, but I'm not going to point out anymore than I already have on him.
zarx I'm also neutral on. He's made some good points in my opinion.

If things stay on the current course a certain person needs to be forced to roleclaim once things are looking dismal.(day three at the earliest I'd say) Hopefully Wonk or a townie will understand who I mean, and if not it's not the end of the world.

Now, since Vette is scum, I will explain why:
He's "always against day one lynches unless there is a big screwup."(last round, but should still hold true) My claim of not reading my PM was not a screwup, as in it was not some kind of slip that indicates I'm scum. Apparently it's only been a scum tactic, but it's an incredibly stupid one. NEWSFLASH: I'm not stupid.
Now, even if you think it was a screwup. Vette's reasoning for the vote isn't sensible. It's not that the point doesn't stand to reason, but Vette should know by now that every move I make as either alignment is planned to give my side what I think is the best chance of winning. As FF pointed out and Vette tried to flippantly dismiss, if I was scum and tried such a tactic then I would flip such upon death and thus the tactic would be wasted as it would be considered a lie. I was the host of the game in which dsister said he wasn't going to read his pm(though he said it would be for the entire game) and though it was true for most of the first day, he did end up reading it. Although dsister was the last mafia to fall, I witnessed townies dismissing the claim and finding the connections with his mates and even looking for more connections from day one. So I know very well that it's an incredibly stupid tactic for scum to try to use. Thus Vette should know that isn't what happened, which leads to the vote merely being disdain for the playstyle. I can't fault people for the disdain, but it's not a good reason to vote, especially when always being against day one lynches. TLDR: You're wrong, it wasn't a screwup.

Vote: Vetteman94

If I'm not being lynched today, he needs to go. If I do get lynched today, and once again I strongly urge pro-town players to condiser hammering me, then tighten the noose day two. I'd go far as telling the vig, if there is one, that they should shoot him tonight if they trust me or if I flip at twilight/evening instead of in the morning.