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highwaystar101 said:
vlad321 said:
highwaystar101 said:

If I was a sociopath who wanted to hurt someone, then making me blind would do little to deter me. And there are always ways to cause damage or hurt someone, even if you're blind.

However, providing psychiatric treatment to the person will break their sociopathis behaviour. It may be hard, they may try to resist like you say. But being persistent with the help will mean that one day they will be less dangerous.

Look at prison reform in the 18th and 19th centuries. Prison was a place of mental and physical torture, yet reoffending rates were through the roof. Back then people would have their identity stripped and were forced to perform manual repetitive tasks that kept them exhausted and in constant pain. Why would anyone want to go back to that? It was because when they were released from prison they were still in the same position as before. They didn't want to go back, but they couldn't change their behaviour.

The reformers found that to stop reoffending the cycle had to be broken, which is not accomplished by punishing. If a person was reoffending ebcause he couldn't hold a job, then you would teach them a practical skill in prison that they could use when released. If a person had a mental issue that drove them to crime then you did all you could to correct that issue so it didn't cause them to reoffend later on.

I agree with everything you say, for all lesser crimes. There are however some crimes that are simply undeserving of any form of reform.

Oh yeah, absolutely. There are people like serial killers who it's probably better to just never let out because teh risk would be too high, even after attempted reform.

So then here is my question. That handful of people, why do you keep them in jail? They end up being paid for by the taxpayers, the people they damaged  live with knowing the criminal is still alive, and a whole bunch of other problems that would be simplified if the heinous criminal was just killed right off the bat.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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