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Could an Bioware employee be trying to sabotage the witcher 2's user review score on metacritic? 

So far all witcher 2 user reviews on metacritic have been positive exept one 

"CD Project releases another misogynistic jaunt into the Mary Sue world of 'the witcher.' There is hardly anything of substance to recommend this train wreck to a discerning connoisseur of RPGs. Every element of its design can be described as 'embarassingly awkward.' Animation, art direction, dialogue, writing, combat. It's a list of sad mediocrities as long as your arm. The fact of the setting and characters being a shameless copy of Michael **** classic Elric of Melniboné series aside, the game itself behaves like a confused child. Does it want to be a brawler with peripheral RPG elements? Or an action RPG with brawler combat? In either situation the designers have failed to deliver on both satisfying combat or a compelling story that ever rises above the juvenile. Look to the masters at BioWare with their latest RPG epic, Dragon Age 2, for inspiration in your future games, CD Project. You certainly won't find it making shallow sex simulators based on plagiarized fantasy novels" score 0/10 

the user has two other user reviews both for dragon age 2 and both 10/10

Could this be a new low after the DA2 user review scandle of bioware employees giving their own game positive review? Or just an fan boy who got pissed off over constant comments of "at least the witcher 2 will wash the taste of DA2 out of my mouth"?

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