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epicberserk said:
pbroy said:
epicberserk said:

no wiki isnt always wrong


Well, since you still seem to be using  wiki as your source, when they say, "sold to Microsoft".. what was sold? The publishing rights or the IP? Maybe wiki isn't wrong. Your interpretation of it, might be.


i check and correct wiki quite often actually and microsoft had bought the too human ip back in 2005 for 80 million but they kept it at silicorn knights studio so they can make it


Well, maybe you should change wiki to make it right according to you. haha.. Anybody can correct wiki with what they think is right. Unless there are legitimate sources, it's hard to believe. The most legitimate source given in this argument was from Barozi. M$ will list their IPs on that link. You will see Halo, Blue Dragon and the other IPs owned by M$ on there. So pleass prove us all wrong with a legitimate source.

Edit: That 80 million that you are talking about is how much money they put to fund the project.


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