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epicberserk said:
pbroy said:
epicberserk said:
Joelcool7 said:
Barozi said:
epicberserk said:
Joelcool7 said:
NiKKoM said:

Better companies, with less bad games have gone under... Silicon Knights should have 3 years ago..

Which bad games are you talking about? Eternal Darkness was amazing and Twin Snakes in my opinion was alot more enjoyable to play then the origionals. Too Human is the only game of theirs I have heard alot of negativity about.

Honestly I never played Too Human, but I don't think they should be doing a sequal unless the title was profitable. Honestly since the studio has been struggling to stay afloat since its release I'd say it obviously wasn't profitable enough to justify a sequal.

Its like High Voltage with Conduit 2, sure Conduit had its fanbase and some people think the game was amazing. It was even profitable but the sales were still considered low for a shooter. However High Voltage decided to launch a sequal anyways, now here we have a flop so big it could mire High Voltage forever.

I think if Silicon makes a second Too Human that will be the end of them. I know Too Human is the founders baby they want to make it so badly. But sometimes you just have to let things go. Theirs no point in being suicidal Too Human 2 would not bring in enough cash to keep the studio afloat till Too Human 3.

Silicon needs to release some new IP or liscense some existing IP. When they are making a good profit and their titles are selling immensly that is the time to think about Too Human 2 or 3. Not while the studio is still struggling to stay afloat!

it might be the founers baby , but i thought too human is microsoft ip

I looked it up and it wasn't listed among their trademarks, so I guess it isn't.

If I'm correct Microsoft got the publishing rights for that game.  I don't believe Microsoft owns Silicon or has the rights to any of their properties. Silicon wanted to make Too Human back in their Nintendo days too. It is simply the studios founders baby, his dream was to make the Too Human Trilogy and he seems to be stubborn in its pursuit!

silicon knights sold the rights of too human to microsoft in 2005

Silicon Knights owns the IP. M$ bought publishing rights for the trilogy. It was part of their 3 big hitter trilogies (Gears, Too Human, Mass Effect) Mass Effect breaking the exclusivity after being bought by EA.

OT: Too Human was pretty good. It was the game that I was looking forward to the most out of the exclusives back then. The combat system was awesome. The lack of camera control was annoying. You just have to accept the fact that you don't have control of it, then you can enjoy the game. The camera can be fixed with configuring the controls differently. An idea I had was to get rid of free look. Instead, when you hold down the left bumper and move the right analog stick it would move the camera. Why in the fuck do you need a free look?  The deaths not being able to fast forward was done on purpose, because this game was intended to be an MMO and it needs to be real time with the rest of the world. 

Would love to see the trilogy finished WITH better camera controls and have more than just 2 players at a time.

wrong microsoft had bought the ip but let silicon knights work at it  it at their studio

Link? Please dont say wiki. Wiki can be wrong, ask makingmusic.


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