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dsage01 said:
Michael-5 said:
dsage01 said:

Okay 360 had it's years PS3 had it's too. 2007 was defintely belonging to the 360 Halo 3 was enough to kill all competion. 2008 was also a tie PS3 had a signifcant improvement from the past year with games like GT5 prologe, MGS4, lIttle big planet e.t.c but Gears 2 and Fable 3 were really big as well. 2009 was once again a 360 year with ODST and Forza 3 defeating Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2. 2010 was a PS3 year for sure games like GT5, God of War 3, FF13 destroying competion. Now if we compare the the AAA titles of 2011 it will be.....

Killzone 3, Little big planet 2, Infamous 2, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, and Rachet and Clank vs Gears of War 3, and Forza 4. This year the PS3 will most likely win in software excluisve sales like last year.

IMO PS3 became a really good console in 2009, and I agree with you 2011 is the year of the PS3.

Want to add to what you said that in 2007 and 2008 360 was still seeing a lot of timed exclusives. In 2007, Bioshock was a 360 exclusive, and just thinking back Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Forza 2, and PGR4 all within a 4 month span.

Overall PS3 has noticably more exclusive content for 2011, but 360 has more then just 2 games. I think both the PS3 and 360 have about an on par fall, so for sales for the rest of the year, I expect PS3 and 360 sales to be about even. Well Kinect tends to pull in a lot of Casual gamers, and PSN should reduce some sales (but hasn't, so maybe it won't), but generally I don't see the two HD consoles offering that much different content for the rest of the year, or seling that different number of consoles.

For overall games, you missing a bunch for both consoles

PS3: Motorstorm, KZ3, LBP2, InFamous 2, Resistance 3, UC3, Ratchet and Clank, Twisted Metal, DC Universe, Disgaea 4, MLB: The Show, Playstation Move Heros, SOCOM, and Yakuza 4.

360: Gears 3, Forza 4, Project Dragon, Steel Batallion, Rise of Nightmares, Heavy Fire, Michael Phelps, as well as Codename D, and Wipeout in the Zone.

Overall 9 or 10 good PS3 games compared to 5 or 6 good 360 games. However all the 360 games are upcomig, and half the PS3 games have already been released.

Either way, I'm glad we could agree in the end, and come to a civil conclusion.

well in this situation I completley agree with you. And for the me missing out a whole bunch of games I didn't I was just comparing the large sellers. And all the games I put up there are the ones that are likely to sell above 2 million and I think only 2 360 games can do that unless they announce a ton of 360 games at E3. But anyways you never know so far it may look like the PS3 will have more sales in counting the exclusives but like I you never know. But I too am glad that we could come to a civil conclusion.

Oh I see what you did, and your right, 360 only really has two franchise garenteed to sell more then 2 million. However they are going to far outsell 2 million units. Also, if Kinect Sports and Dance Central can break 2 million units, I would be surprised to see no Kinect titles break 2 million this fall. At the very least, as casual as ths game may be "kinectallons" should break 2 million, or maybe some other title.

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