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osamanobama said:


Michael-5 said:

 "In my opinion, over 80% and 90%, PS3 and 360 are about tied. I never claimed PS3 has less exclusives then 360,"

hmm... really, then what do you call this...

Michael:  I like you you can read. This comment was regarding upcoming exclusives, do you not see I said "PS3 and 360 are about tied?"


 "the total number of exclusives is still slightly more on the 360,"

Michael: Yes, TOTAL number. Understand? Count if you don't believe me.

 "As for Pre-2009, there are 37 PS3 exclusives, and 108 360 exclusives. This excludes timed exclusives like Lost Planet, or Oblivion. Of those 108 pre-2009 360 exclusives, 10 are from 2005, 38 are from 2006, while PS3 only had 3 2006 exclusives. So even if we ignore 360's 2006 linep (since it was on the market for a year longer) it's still 70 360 exclusives compared to 37 PS3 exclusives. Now this list includes everything from Buzz Trivia PS3 exclusives to Ninety ine Nights. So yes 360 had significantly more exclusives pre-2009." 

Michael: Again, this does not change the fact that I never said PS3 had less upcoming exclusives. What I said above is true, count yourself.

really you are going to tell me you never claimed xbox has more exclusives, even basing it off your opinion. lol

Michael: Learn to read before you complain.

IMO was regarding games above 80% and 90%, a difference of 34 to 31, or 7 to 6 is aout tied. Do you see periods seperating points?

"Forza 4 are the only 5 million plus blockbuster titles on the 360 lineup," 

" InFamous 1 is sub 2 million, Resistance 2 barely crosses 2 million"


heres another funny one. you try talking up the xbox games, going as far as bringing in sales (as if that is what determines quality). you say that Forza is a 5 million seller, when its at 4.8 (and its probably the most bundled game on xbox, excluding kinect advantures). then you try to play down the ps3 games by saying the inFAMOUS seriers isnt big, its sub 2 million. lol, its at 1.95 (and well over 2 million with psn sales). So some reason a game cant get rounded up .05 but Forza (a racing game whixh will stop selling after the sequal) gets rounded up by .2, and if we look at the previous entries, its wayyy less. so make up you mind, be consitant. and some reason Resistance is "barely 2 million" even though its .15 over. i get it, we round up the xbox games, and round down the ps3 games. i must of forgot rounding rules in math class.

Michael: Then this was bad wording on my part, but still not that inaccurate. When refering to Forza 4 (not 3) sales, I was refering to lifetime franchise sales. I believe I also included Uncharted 2 and 3 in this list, so it's not biased. When refering to InFamous 1 sales, I was referring to current sales.

Both arguements were in different paragraphs, what more do you want me to do to separate my points?

Please re-read my posts if you have to before complaining Had I said Forza 3 was a 5 million selling franchise, your point would be valid, but I was refering to lifetime sales of Forza 4.

About Forza 3, It is not as heavily bundled as you claim it to be. At the very least 3 million sales are not due to bundling. Forza 2, Motorstorm 1 and MGS4 were more heavily bundled.


As for InFamous, I neversaid it's "wayy less" then 2 million, and 2.15 million is barely above 2 million. Resistance and InFamous are about 2 million seller franchises where Forza 3, likely 4, Uncharted 2, and likely 3 are 5 million selling franchises, and Gears of war is a 6 million selling franchise (with Gars 3 showing proise to be noticaly bigger). For future comments, please re-read.

"Above 90% there are 7 Wii exclusives, 7 PS3 exclusives, and 6 360 exclusives. I hardly think PS3 is "head and shoulders ahead of the pack." It's actually tied with Wii at this point.

Above 85% there are 18 Wii exclusives, 24 PS3 exclusives, and 16 360 exclusives. Now the gap opens up, but it doesn't get any bigger.

Above 80% there are 38 Wii exclusives, 39 PS3 exclusives, an 29 360 exclusives. So in reality Wii has the most exclusive software."


heres your great math at work again. did you even read what you wrote here. "the gap opens up but doesnt get any bigger" what, what does that even mean lol, so much contridictions. then you say in reality wii has most, just after you added them up. which had ps3 with 70, wii- 63, and xbox-51 (which launched a year earlier). so how exactly does the wii lead (not that i would matter because we werent discussing wii, you were talking about xbox and ps3). you have no consistancy, its hilarious.


Michael: I think this one was a typo. I wrote it in, but didn't edit. Where did you summation to 70 PS3 games, 63 Wii games, and 51 xbox games come from? Is that the total exclusive count, because thats wrong. 360 is at 146 exclusives, PS3 is at 79 (or 89) I believe.

Microsoft always announces a game late, and there is strong rumor of a Halo: Combat Evolved remake, so after E3 this list could even out.

Sony often announce games years before release,"

 this myth still isnt dead, really. i can name like a hundred xbox announces way in advanced. alan wake, halo reach, splinter cell. the only game that i can think of with little anounce time was Forza, and the only one i can think of a long pre announce for ps3 is GT5, and TLG. please stop this, its not true at all.

Michael: The entire Kinect lineup for this year, was announced this year. Project Dragon, Stel Batallion, Rise of Nightmares, Michael Phelps, Heavy Weaon: Afghanistan, etc.

Gears of War 2 was announced 10 months before release, Forza 3 was announced 4 months before release, Forza 4 was anounced 10 months before release.

Not all 360 games are announced late, but every year Microsoft anounces some games within a year of launch. This year we already see 6 quality Kinect titles, maybe some of them will turn out to be AAA?

Really, the only PS3 games you can think of with a long pre-announce are those two? GT5, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, FF XIII Versus, The Agent, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted 1-3, God of War 3, MGS4, Twisted Metal, and I beleive InFamous as well, but I'd have to look into that. This is essentially ALL the big PS3 exclusives.

 "(UC2, KZ2, InFamous, Demons Souls, and Ratchet v. Forza 3, ODST, Halo Wars, Magna Carta 2, BattleStations, and Ninja Blade among others). 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 are no contest 360 years."

really youre comparing those ps3 games, to those random games like Magna Carta, BattleStations, and Ninja blade. well i guess the xbox would win all those years, if your only counting multimillion sellers for ps3 and everything including niche titles for xbox.

Michael: Ninja Blade and BattleStations scores about as highly as Ratchet and Clank. Also looking into 2009, 360 has about twice as many exclusives. Clearly you haven't played these games. I sai Among others because I recognize those last 3 are less well know then the 5 PS3 games, but there are several other games for 360 in 2009 of that level of quality. After those 5 games I mentioned for PS3 in 2009, the next big exclusive game is Buzz TV Quiz. I could in reality expand that 360 list, and I did say I would consider it a tie.

"As for The Last Guardian, it's delayed to 2012, it won't come out in 2011. As for Killzone 3 and LBP2, they are already out. I am not debating the total number of AAA titles for PS3 and 360 for the entire year, just upcoming."

no your not counting those games, just so you can make it seem as if xbox has a comparable library to the ps3, poorly by the way.

Michael: I am contesting the point that 360 has just as many upcoming games as PS3. Please stop trying o change the arguement into some stupid little PS3 vs. 360 fight. I don't care for those, so please stop trying to make this into one.

I am only proving that for fall 2011 PS3 and 360 have the same lineup. Thus switching consoles from a PS3 to a 360 makes no difference gamewise, you should only switch if you're not happy with the Sony brand, which I still love.You would understand this if you read my comments instead of tried to critisize anything I said about PS3.


"We can't assume 360 will see more delayed games then PS3. For all we know, at E3 they may announce more." 


okay so we cant assume the xbox kinect titles which were announced at e3, with vague "coming in 2011" will be delayed, we can only assume they will announce and release more games, while assuming Sony wont announce any games, and will delay their games like Resistance, which has been in development for 3 years (1 year longer than normal),, and has a rock solid release date (meaning not year) of Sept. 6.

Michael: 2011 release window, still a 2011 title. Never said we can asume they will announce more..... Screw this if you can't read what I say, without twisting it around and making it into some fanboy debate I'm not talking to you.

Learn to read someones comments before critisizing it, this entire coment is a complete fabrication of what I had to say. I can't respectfully debate with someone when the other party just starts to put words in my mouth.

also you arent counting any of the multitude of MOve only games that had the vague 2011 release date, and you havent been trying to claim them as AAA titles like you have with the kinect games. also you keep trying to make these small budget niche/casual kinect games are somehow big (even though you have seen next to nothing about them, little to no gameplay, footage, previews, anything, yet alone a firm release date), and some resaon Twisted Metal isnt big. yet twisted metal is a full retail $60 game, with a big budget, will have big marketing (sony standards) and is being released in prime time slot. this is no "arcade" game, this is one of Sony's big guns. now for your own sake, stop trying to equate TM to Dragoon (or what ever that game is, that you have been trying to talk up).

Michael: Socery doesn't have any 2011 release date. It's release date is TBA.

Never claimed any upcoming Kinet titles were AAA, putting words in my mouth again.

Panzer Dragoon, Steel Batallion, Niche, Small Budget. Wow...

TM is of the same magnitude as PD, an SB. It started as an Arcade game, and yes now it's a full retail game, but PD and SB always were full retail games, from scratch.

Also Heavy Fire has a September 30th release date. How is that any less of a prime release slot then Twisted Metal (October 4th)? Go read up on some of these Kinect games before you begin debating because you clearny know nothing about them.

Wait.... You never heard of Panzer Dragoon? How old are you? This is literally Sega's largest franchise after Sonic. It's.... wow.. Do you know what Star Fox is? It's about the same magnitude, same with Twisted Metal.

So, i hope this was very informative for you, and a great learning experience. i hope you can know see your huge flaws in your arguementation, and will improve upon it next time. bt seeing as this thread is not about xbox exclusive list vs ps3 exclusives, yet you were the one who decided to come in here and start comparing and defending the xbox games, can you please leave. if thinking the ps3 and xbox lineups are the same, or better for xbox makes you feel better. good for you, but dont go into a thread like this and start spouting dumb stuff like this. its way to easy to dismantle 

Wow, your still going on about this, really?

Still saying TM isn’t AAA. Even though pretty much since development started. It was planned as a big retail release.

The only time it was ever planned as an arcade game was when it was first proposed, but Sony and David Jaffe liked it so much, that they went full fledged, campaign, huge multiplayer, big budget. Its got AAA written all over it, nothing arcade/mini game about it. Please just stop you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, and are constantly contradicting yourself.

You derailed the thread enough, by randomly bringing in what Xbox games there are this year and previous years, no one cares, that you failed math class and cant count games.




Reading your comments, it appear you completly misread my entire post, and are critisizing things I didn't say entirely. Please re-read, I cannot debate with you if you're going to put words in my mouth and argue things I didn't even say. You don't even know what Panzer Dragoon is, so how can you argue the scope of Twisted Metal to a game like that? Go continue argueing with yourself, because every critisizm you have made so far is not against something I had to say, but something you interpreted. I mean that whole issue you had with my wording descriing Forza 4 as a 5 million selling franchise, and InFamous as sub 2 is just WOW.... You made a big deal out of it too, and ..... I'm done with you, sorry. You clearly don't know anything about the 360 fall lineup and choose to ignore it, so go ahead, miss out.

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