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Too Human is not a good game, though it does kinda work. The graphics are sub-par, the camera is comically awful, the cut-scenes can be extraordinarily tedious, the inventory is less than ideal, and the 20-second, unskippable, oft-repeated death scene is a mistake of such epic proportions that it's almost a game killer*. Still, the game has a charm of it's own, and works pretty well in multi-player as you and a mate throw countless techno-goblins in the air and chop them to tiny pieces. Really, how can you not like being a cyber-Norse god with a strong Thor vibe?

* I cannot stress how shitty this is. There is an Achievement for 100 deaths. That equates to over HALF AN HOUR of watching the SAME, UNSKIPPABLE CUT SCENE. Unforgiveable.