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I don't care what Silicon Knights says about not working on this game for ten years.  I remember when they announced it for the PS1 because I was hyped to buy it.  Unless I was using my time travel powers to go back and fuck with my younger self (which I must admit, I often do), some misrepresentation has occured, here.

*edit* I looked up the game's history.  It seems that while the name remained the same, they scrapped the original ideas from the PS1 and Gamecube versions of the game before finally settling on what the 360 version would become.  The way I look at it, if I start writing a book called "Boobies and Me" in 2011, re-write it in 2013, and finally finish get my shit together and write it in six months in 2021, it still took me ten years to finish my work.