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It's the opposite for me.

Not saying that I was a crap gamer when I was playing N64/PS1 games, but right now I'm able to play games more stategically and better in games overall.


I dunno if this would be a good example but when I played MGS1 for the first playthrough back in the PS1 days, I struggled quite a bit and my dad would help out a lot. But when I bought MGS1 on PSN last year, I whizzed though without difficulty. The reason why I say it may not be a good example is because I technically did play MGS 1 like 4, 5 times after my first playthrough so I kinda remember where everything happens.

But a better example for me would be the difference between the PS2 and PS3 eras.

I lwas absolutely horrendous in FPS games during the PS2 days but now I say I'm pretty darn decent at FPS games for the PS3 and I love FPS now.

That also pretty much applies to me about other genres now I guess. RPG especially. I play far better and more effectively.

The only area where this doesn't apply is Pokemon games. I've been a master trainer since Red/Blue and since for every Pokemon game :) My skills in Pokemon have never changed.