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Hopefully you can repeat. 

But first off

1. You are most likely not the only one in your situation

2.Unless you enrolled in the univeristy of genius's, people fail all the time. 

3. Stick it out, dont give up

4. Check if your Uni or other Uni's have courses starting Mid year and apply to them instead

Now on passing your course:

1. No more video games, i am putting in my last week of video games before locking it away and no more for an month. 

2. Study hard

3. Seek Help, unless your univeristy is poorly run, Seek help. Those superviors should be helping you not putting you down (if they are then complain!!).

4. Start from the begining and slowly progress and take in information. 

Seek help is my most important point, and no more video games.

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong