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osamanobama said:

you mean people like Dr. Marc Lemont Hill, Alan Colmes, leis Weild, Juan Williams, Bob beckel, Kirstain Powers, Geraldo Revara, and countless others that i cant remeber. Dont even try to act like they dont have people from the entire politcal spectrum on their channel. your only fooling yourself (and people who get their info from msnbc, youtube, and the daily show, and people who actually dont watch fox)

also you mind posting me a link of this happening. 

I just provided you a link of a blatant lie that Fox News tried to passed off, but you 'suprisingly' ignored it.  Do you want me to spend all day looking this stuff up?  How about you do so yourself rather than have me be your knowledge bringer.

I don't recall what the exact situation I previously mentioned was, but Fox News pitted strong conservative Ann Coulter (a successful author and commentator) against a random liberal college student who was attending some rally and had them debate the subject of the rally.  And this happens all the time.  It would be akin to having Democrat Bill Clinton debate Republican Uncle Jethro from some holler in West Virginia on foreign policy.