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CGI-Quality said:
Michael-5 said:

Uncharted 2 outperformed most peoples expectations, and even boosted Uncharted 1 sales significantly. God of War 3 and GT5 look about right.

Something tells me you haven't read through this whole thread. God of War III is performing ahead of most expectations and it's too early to know anything on GT5 (except that it's ahead of some expectations as well).

OT: Back to crow serving.

OP predicted GoW3 to be 4.5 million, which looks to be spot on. Average prediction I see for this game is around 4 million, with a few 5 million predictions, and a bunch of 3-4 million predictions. That's roughly in line. Maybe there are more sub 4 million predictions then plus 4 million, but 4 million is about average (ignoring any troll 2 million, or plus 5 million votes).

If GoW3 sells 4.7 million lifetime, I don't think that's that far from 4 million.

So no, I don't see anything wrong with what I said. GoW3 and GT5 look about on track, and UC2 seriously outperformed (I blaime ratings, this get got significantly higher ratings then UC1 and after it's release UC1 sales did spike).

Wish I voted in this thread when it was relevant. People know my GT5 prediction though.

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