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ManusJustus said:
ssj12 said:
ManusJustus said:
ssj12 said:

Yes it can work. It would work exactly how Anonymous works. You would have like-minded individuals group together to push for a common goal and fill a need in society. Transportation, schooling, etc would all be taken care of. Think of it as a return to guildship minus have lords and we would not be serfs.

That's not how the real world works.  If you want to build a road from point A to point B, you have to come up with funding.  I believe I linked to a simple economics website earlier.

Ya, make money out of thin air and devalue whatever currency there is at that time like the USA currently is! Brilliant.

Bartering is what would exist. You want a road, you barter how long you are going to build it.

I want some of whatever it is you've been smoking.  Okay, so lets say the economy needs a paved road to transport goods from Salt Lake City to St. George, Utah.  How does this road get built in your imaginary world?

In the real world (read link above), the private market would be unable to build a road, all there would be is a dirt trail.  Thats why the government has to tax people, then use taxes to fund such public goods like defense, roads, justice, and so forth.  There is a reason that there were no paved roads built between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Age of Industrialization.

What a lucky quiescence. Free Talk Live happened to go over roads in a free market.

take a listen.

and just an fyi, the government is a monopoly. Just figured I'd let you know that.

also take a listen to this

please, take your time learning that its ok to be wrong. I admit when I'm wrong, i'm wrong, but in this instance I know I'm right because I have facts behind me.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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