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ManusJustus said:
ssj12 said:
ManusJustus said:
HappySqurriel said:

So, your only objection with private management of lower courts is that it would be possible for a company to turn a profit? Do you also reject the concept of privately run grocery stores?

People can choose if they want to shop at a grocery store.  If a store has high prices or sells me sour milk, I can bring my business to another private grocerty store.  Enough people 'vote' against giving that store their business, then that store is no longer in business.

Public goods don't work that way.  Thats why its important to vote for a judge or vote for a politician who appoints a judge.

Whatever system you support, you should strive for it to be the best.  You are taking one idea that works in one place and trying to apply it to everything else, but the problem is that even though a method can work great in one situation it can fail miserabley in another.  You're like a carpenter who thinks he only needs one tool to build a house; the hammer works great nailing the floor down, but good luck trying to cut that board in half.

Ok, I figured it out. You love being ruled by people. Even if that person does terrible thing to you and the land you will accept that leader as your lord, even if he is only temporary till your next lord arrives.. You love the idea of a republic in which you can elect someone or someone can be elected to control you by someone else elected by people. Rather than actually standing up and taking command of your own life. And its entirely fine thinking this way, the only thing is you need people who will actually run things right and obviously the current system isn't exactly working.

One of least thought out arguments I have ever seeen on VGChartz.  Goods and services should be provided by the most econimically efficient means, for private goods that means that a grocery 'lord' controls the food I buy, for public goods that means a road 'lord' collects taxes I pay and builds roads with them.

grocery stores are just evolved farmers markets.... which are public services run by a private business or farmer. There is no real grocery "lord" as they are controlled overall on a farmer's ability to produce. And really taxes aren't completely needed to run a country. If defense, education, etc are all put into the private sector most management needs will be left to a few people who listen to the people of the country versus the hundreds currently working in the federal and state levels of government.

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