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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings – best RPG combat to date?


We’re genuinely finding it a bit of a struggle deciding which action RPG we’re more excited about this year; Skyrim or The Witcher 2? We were among the first in the world to play CD Projekt’s gorgeous sequel, and even back in February the game looked and played like an elfish wet dream.

We recently got our sweaty, RPG-loving palms on the preview build, which did little to sate our lust for the incredible world of The Witcher 2. And now, mere weeks before the game hits shevles, publishers Namco have released a kick-ass developer diary looking at The Witcher 2’s dynamic, free-flowing combat system.

Taking you through the basics of sword-swinging and magic–hurling, this latest trailer is a good chance for you to acquaint yourselves with platinum-haired dreamboat Geralt and the equally swoon-inducing landscapes, as the Witcher sets about carving himself a generous slice of evil-doer.

You’ll get a peek at Geralt’s magical signs (different spells you can map to Q and then fling at enemies in real time) as well as the character development tree – a three-pathed system split into alchemy, magic and swordsmanship. There’s also a good chance to have a peek at some of Geralt’s blood-churning finishing moves – we especially like the triple takedown towards the end. Check it out below – and see if you can stop yourself from gawping at the incredi-graphics.

There’s some pretty slick combat engines thrumming away under the hoods of recent action RPGs; Dragon Age 2 springs to mind with it’s deft, combat-friendly stabbage andKingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning looks to be butchering RPG combat conventions with a magic-imbued fire sword, but we reckon The Witcher 2 pips both when it comes to finesse, depth and ease of use. Flicking between Geralt’s silver and steel blades is smooth and intuitive, as is mixing up the melee mayhem with a burst of magical swagger. Chuck in those impressive finishing moves and you’ve got a graceful combat system that both compliments and enhances The Witcher 2′s beautiful world, anchored by the usual RPG customisation options.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is available for PC from May 17th. Not long now!


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Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!