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Baalzamon said:
irstupid said:
Baalzamon said:
irstupid said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
irstupid said:

on the news last night they said could cost sony 23 billion dollars.

so that sounds like from same source.  i mean what is 70 million times 318? 

22.3 billion, so yeah.

It sounds like an aweful lot. How can the cost be THAT high? What do they have to do to fix it? I mean, the whole losses of the PS3 so far are like 4.7bn right? So this will cost FIVE times more than all losses the PS3 has taken since launch?

If it's true... poor Sony. Anyway, nothing's for sure yet. Let's wait and see.

well thinking off top of head the costs could be

1. estimated lawsuit for this type of situation.  This isn't the first time in history, so maybe comparing to similar situations

2. if sony refunds psn accounts money.  think i saw article saying this.  While its not exactly a cost, its a loss of revenue

3. cost of oustide help to fix and to improve the security

4. loss of psn sales during downtime, again not exactly a cost but a loss of revenue

and other similar things.  not sure how you come up with figures, but to me a loss of revenue is a cost in my mind.  I mean if lets say in this week they would have made 10 million in revenue, but with psn down they get 0.  to me that is a 10 million cost. 

So in the end they may not have to fork over 23 billion dollars, but it  might be something like they missed out on 10 billion revenue and spent 13 billion on repairs and legal.  so in essenese this ends up costing them 23 billion dollars they would have had if this didn't happen

I personally think an estimated loss in profits due to this would be a much better way to analyze the costs of the situation.  If Sony would have made $5 million on psn in profits for instance, this is what it is costing them.  It isn't costing them the $15 million in revenue that they made.  My numbers are made up, but I think they get the point across.

profit means nothing.

regardless of it its profit or not, sony not getting that $5 million in sales this week is a loss in $5 they could have had, thus an expense of this situation.  doesn't matter if that $5 is profit or not, its money they do not get due to this

I don't think you get what I'm saying.  They may have had to spend $4.5 million in order to get that $5 million, and by psn being down, that $4.5 million is not being spent, simply put, so this is NOT costing them $5 million, it would be costing them $500,000.  No matter what the statements or anybody claims, that IS the true cost to Sony.

you still don't get it.  right now there are thousands of things on psn correct?  these thouands of things are not getting pruchased because of psn being down.  So there are 0 sales.  No REVENUE coming in from thsoe things.  Now what costs are associated to those games?  server costs?  tech support, ect.  Pretty small costs.

What costs are they incuring now trying to fix this situation.  insane.

If psn was not down.  Lets say i sign in and buy COD new map.  whats this cost me $20 or something.  what do you think this costs sony?  a few penies at most.  Now most of that money does go to activision, but still it doesn't cost sony much of anything to host these thousands of games and the support needed.  Sure that dollar ammount may be high, but that dollar amount PER GAME is very very very low.  Just like this article is about. 

To those saying that it took average, then times by 70.  Ok yea, i see that.  So please tell me, how do fake accounts, duplicate accounts ect lower that cost?  how does sony know to ignore these accounts?  thats not how this works.  They dont' go through every account individually.  They need to fix a problem affecting 70 million accounts.  It does not matter if those accounts are nothing more than a login and password.  THis is a figure take by looking at other situations and how much it took to fix them and their account numbers.  THe more account numbers the harder it is to fix