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Baalzamon said:
irstupid said:
Baalzamon said:

I'm calling bullshit.  First off, there aren't even 70 million true psn users.  You have people who have multiple accounts, etc.  I'd wager there's probably about 20-30 million unique users that have a psn account.

So at $318 per user, you are already down to 9.54 billion for the top.

Secondly, what exactly costs $318 per account?

you guys don't seem to understand.  they are not spending 318 per account doing stuff.

it is estimated to cost them 23 billion dollars to fix this all, whether the money is in actual costs or loss of revenue

the person who wrote the article just divided that number by the psn users #.  Thus the 318.  If you want to say that there are less users, then the 318 is just a higher number.  The 23 billion doesn't change.


its like if the president wants to do something and says it will costs americans $10 each.  IF there were less americans, that doesn't mean the cost is less.  The total costs remains teh same.  The less people the higher the cost per person is.  So lets say obama wants to add 6 billion dollars to medicare.  that is roughly $10 per person.  If tehre are only 300 million people in teh us. then that is now $20 per person.  The 6 billion doesn't change.  Much in the same way this 23 billion doesn't change. 

Did you even read the OP?  It has nothing to do with saying it will cost Sony 23 billion and then dividing by 70 million users.  It specifically says in 2010, the average cost of a security breach was $318 per malicious act (per account).  So taking the 2010 average of $318 per account, and multiplying by 70 million, you then get $22.26 billion.

And as I just stated in my last post, I would have to argue that a loss of revenue is not a cost, but instead the estimated loss of profit would be a much better analysis of what the whole deal actually cost.  I'm not sure if this is how companies do it, but that is the true "cost" to them.

proft as i said means nothing.  by psn being down they are missing out on say 5 million in sales like yous aid.  It does not matter if that woudl have been profit or not.  PSN being down means they don't recieve that 5 million.  Its missed sales.  Its money sony does not get.  Doesn't matter if its profit money or loss money, in the end its MONEY that they don't get.

where do you think they got this 318 average?  from taking total costs associated to situations like this and dividing it by number of accounts.  thus the same thing i was saying.  Sony has to fix this problem that deals with 70 million accounts, it doesn't matter if half of them are fake or not, sony still has to fix the problem.  hell by creating multiple accounts you guys just made sony's problem bigger.  this isn't some per account issue, its something they fix all at once.  the more accounts the harder the problem is to fix.