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Why do you have 55 games for your Xbox, and Xbox 360? How... Did... Coincidence??? Nah... But why the original Xbox? That system... (sigh)... It... (sigh)... All it has is Halo 1, and 2, and perhaps a few others, but definitely not 55 good games... Same can be spoken for the Xbox 360... I have literally, gone to pawn shops, and have tried to force myself to buy another Xbox game, and sometimes, it's almost impossible. I skim through the sports games, typical racing games, movie games, and shooter games, because I figured that all I need on the Xbox is Halo, and Halo 2, for shooters. It doesn't have a single, decent platformer, or space shooting game like Star Fox 64... I don't know... I am really surprised how you could find 110 games, combined, for both systems. I, only have a hand full on both consoles, and I have scanned the entire library of Xbox, and Xbox 360, and filtered out all the games, that I thought, and others that the whole world would have to agree on, were garbage, and all that was left, was Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and a bunch of other games... Especially for the Xbox 360... I mean, the Project Gotham Racing series is good, but it's just another racing game, that has been done countless numbers of times, in the past. Blinx? Ahem... Star Wars? Okay, but I'd rather watch the movies. Panzer Dragoon Orta? I don't even own the Saturn ones. Jet Set Radio Future? Shenmue 2? Possibly... What else? Ninja Gaiden? I don't know. Like I mentioned before, there are good games on the Xbox, and Xbox 360, but how did you manage to find 110 games, on both consoles, that are "good?" Unless you've collected bad games too, to complete certain franchises, or something...