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I think that Nintendo will have to amaze me for me to invest in another console. I'm perfectly happy with my HD consoles right now. What do we need, prettier graphics? Battlefield 3 anyone? I'm happy that they are releasing a new console, and I always love to see how any company has improved their games graphically, but Nintendo needs more than that. I have to agree with Pachter, unfortunately, and say that they should have released it either in 2009 or 2010. I highly doubt it will release this year, so we're probably looking at late 2012, which everyone seems to agree on. That gives Nintendo only 1 - 2 years to be the best looking console, if it is. People are getting tired of the gimmicky crap, and lets face it, great graphics cost money. If Nintendo price their console too high, they will completely alienate their core audience. On the other hand, they need to show us hardcore fans something worth making another large purchase. I'm not seeing them pulling it off. The only thing that would amaze me, which I think they might be planning in some fashion, is to play the game on the HD screen that is provided on the controller, without the console. If it worked great, and it didn't cost too much, and if they had a great line-up of games, and it wasn't plagued with gimmicky shovellware, I might think of picking one up. That's a lot of ifs! I wish Nintendo the best, I own a Wii and still actually play it (with my kids mostly)but I don't see myself buying their new console.